…end of school disco

Will Jeffreys
1 min readJul 17, 2022

went to the end of school disco for my son. I arrived late and entered the room. Hit by the noise and the fug of sixty incredibly hot, sweaty primarcy schoolers, I was momentarily disorientated. I thought this might account for the scene I witnessed; a complete abandonment of the rules of any school disco. Alarmingly girls and boys weren’t separated on different sides of the room. Many were jumping around together, screaming lyrics to each other at the tops of their voices. Together. Where was the embarrassment? Where was the awkwardness? Thankfully, some of the boys were following the script but had adopted a modern twist ie in order to avoid eye contact with others, spent the whole event filming in selfie mode, comfortable to be sharing the precious moments with someone who, at this moment at least, would not judge them for having a good time.

